Plantar fasciitis is often described as "a real pain in the foot." Many patients report that this condition significantly disrupts their daily activities, making it difficult to stand, walk, run, and work. Questions like "does plantar fasciitis cause leg pain, knee pain, or ankle pain?" are common, as the sharp and severe pain can radiate and affect other parts of the lower body. The impact of what might initially seem like simple foot pain can indeed be life-altering. To address these challenges, choosing the right supportive plantar fasciitis shoe can make a significant difference in managing symptoms and enhancing mobility. For those looking to manage their condition actively, incorporating plantar fasciitis exercises can be particularly beneficial.
Leg pain and plantar fasciitis
So, can plantar fasciitis cause leg pain? The answer is a definite YES.
In addition to foot pain, there can be pain radiating up the leg. This can occur directly from nerve pain at the calcaneus branches, which can radiate back up the nerve tract in the leg, causing ankle and calf pain.
Another cause of leg pain is when there is pain on the foot and in particular at the heel, people often change their stance and gait to avoid the painful area. This alters normal lower extremity mechanics, which can lead to overuse injuries or pain to the muscles and tendons in the lower leg, and sometimes in the upper leg, hip and back. Learning how to prevent plantar fasciitis can also mitigate these related issues.
So, treatment for plantar fasciitis can affect more than just the foot.
What is plantar fasciitis?
Well, the story starts with discussing the culprit: the plantar fascia is a thick, web-like ligament on the bottom of the foot.
The plantar fascia lies just under the skin and in most people it can be easily seen and felt by pulling the toes up. This causes the fascia to tighten and stick out to be easily visualized and palpated, especially in the arch area. It feels like a tight band there.
Anatomically, the plantar fascia connects from the calcaneus (the heel bone) to the base of the toes, which means it stretches almost the full length of the foot.
Like a ligament, it connects bone to bone, but structurally it is closer to a tendon with limited blood and nerve supply. These characteristics are part of the reason it is often slow to heal from injury.
The plantar fascia is made of collagen-based connective tissue and as it stretches out in a wide band, it is properly called an Aponeurosis.
Functionally, the fascia acts like a tie-rod to hold the foot together as it connects the toes to the heel.
When the arch is at maximal height, the fascia is shorter as the foot is shorter. As a person stands and the arch drops, the foot lengthens and stretches, elongating and tightening the fascia.
In the gait cycle when walking or running, as a person pushes off, the toes flex back, which causes the fascia to tighten and raises the arch to stabilize the foot for propulsion. This is called the windlass mechanism. Dysfunction in this action is one of the causes of plantar fasciitis, as will be discussed later in this blog.
Symptoms of plantar fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is pain anywhere on the fascia, including the most common bottom of the heel pain.
The most prevalent scenario is pain when first standing and then it often temporarily improves after moving around, only to get worse as there is continued activity. Often, the more time on the feet, the worse the pain. Monitoring the signs plantar fasciitis is healing can help patients manage expectations and track progress.
It is not truly an inflammation as much as actual micro trauma damage to the fascia with some structural breakdown, due to being overworked or stressed.
There can also be periostitis of the heel bone - inflammation of the periosteum, the coating over the bone. As the fascia connects to the periosteum, it becomes all involved and is called plantar fasciitis. In all my years of treating heel pain, this is more common than pain further up the fascia in the arch.
Another type of pain in the bottom of the foot can involve neuritis or nerve pain, as the heel has several nerve branches passing along and under it. If these nerves are irritated, there can be a burning pain radiating around the heel and often pain up the leg.
Often, neuritis occurs together with fasciitis, causing foot and leg pain. As we age, the fat pad on the bottom of the heel thins out, which can lead to periostitis from direct trauma to the bone or periosteum, and/or neuritis from the nerve under the heel being compressed between the bone and the floor.
What causes plantar fasciitis?
There are multiple causes of this syndrome. Often, in a patient there is more than one cause.
- Dysfunction in the windlass mechanism mentioned above is a major cause. The fascia is overworked and stretched when the mechanism malfunctions, which leads to micro tears, structural damage and pain. A major cause of the windlass mechanism malfunctioning is dysfunction of the big toe joint to the foot. If the big toe can’t flex properly, the windlass mechanism will not work correctly and this can damage the fascia. Big toe joint dysfunction can occur from actual damage to the joint from arthritis or from over pronation, where the arch flattens on stance, jamming the joint.
- Other causes of plantar fasciitis are weight gain, which puts physical stress on the foot. The fascia being a tie-rod stabilizing the foot will be overworked by excess weight, as it works harder to handle the increased physical force. As mentioned above, fat pad atrophy with age can also cause pain in the heel at the fascia insertion on the heel. Simple over pronation, where the arch drops, causes lengthening of the foot, which puts a stretch force on the fascia as it attempts to hold the foot together. This over works the fascia, causing micro trauma and pain. This issue can be exacerbated by poor shoes or soft worn out shoes, as pronation is often worse with soft or poor shoes.
Heel spur vs. plantar fasciitis
At this point, I also want to discuss heel spur syndrome, as it is often confused with plantar fasciitis, especially when you're experiencing chronic heel pain. Understanding the key differences between plantar fasciitis vs heel spurs is crucial for effective treatment.
As the fascia connects to the bottom of the heel there can be fascia pain directly at the insertion point on the heel. This can also cause heel bone periostitis, as the fascia connects to the periosteum.
There is often a heel spur that develops on the tubercle on the bottom of the heel bone, where the fascia inserts. The spur usually has little to do with the pain. In fact, on x-ray, the foot with no pain had a bigger spur than the painful foot.
I tell my patients the spur is often more of a barometer measuring stresses on the foot, but not actually the cause of the symptoms. This means we don’t treat the spur itself and don’t need to remove it to minimize pain.
How to treat plantar fasciitis
Shoes and Orthotics
With almost no exceptions I ALWAYS start with SHOES for plantar fasciitis treatment. We ask patients to bring in most of their shoes for their initial visit, and anytime thereafter when they experience plantar heel pain or sharp pain associated with this condition. As noted above, shoes can be a major cause of fasciitis and other foot pain. If the shoes are worn out or improper, I start treatment by having them purchase new and more appropriate shoes, such as men's plantar fasciitis shoes or plantar fasciitis shoes for women. The shoes need to fit correctly, as I often find patients wear shoes too short or too tight. This can affect the big toe joint function, which damages the fascia, as can over pronation from poor shoes. I have seen many patients improve in 2 to 3 weeks from just purchasing new, more appropriate shoes that fit well. Each patient is different, so I can’t recommend a blanket one style of shoe, but in general,
- A solid heel counter to control motion.
- Have a solid outer sole.
- Have some motion control features.

Many patients need extra depth and width for unrestricted toe movement and a pressure free environment. Good orthopedic footwear brands biomedically design plantar fasciitis shoes that help alleviate strain on the plantar fascia. Featuring ergonomic soles, such shoes reduce impacts on the heel and provide soft, protective cushioning.
Insoles and Orthotics
The next step in the treatment usually involves some type of plantar fasciitis insole or orthotic. Since many patient’s main symptom is heel pain, the insert should cup and cushion the heel and support the arch. In general, a well-made insole will reduce pronation and help improve big toe joint function, while cushioning the heel. This is the starting point in my office for most of these patients. In my practice, I use non custom orthotics as my first line of treatment along with shoes. The insoles I use have a gel heel pad in the heel cup, an anatomical arch support and tends to mold to the specific shape of the foot over time. They are very comfortable from the moment they are inserted in the shoes, which patients really appreciate and will actually wear them as a result.
Additional Treatments if Initial Steps Fail
Another treatment option is corticosteroid (cortisone) injections, which may require two to three sessions. I typically wait until the patient has the proper shoes and inserts before administering this treatment, as the success rate is higher when used in conjunction with proper footwear. If the above treatments fail, the next step may involve the patient wearing an immobilizing boot 24 hours a day for a few weeks. The insole is also inserted in the boot to increase effectiveness. Although a night splint is not very beneficial, wearing a walking boot at night can have a powerful impact. Finally, if all other treatment options do not work, shock wave treatment may prove beneficial, or surgery as a last resort. It is important to note that surgery might improve symptoms initially but can destabilize the foot in the long run, often leading to new pain later.
In summary, plantar fasciitis is very common. If you develop pain on the bottom of the foot, the sooner you seek out medical help, such as a podiatrist, the sooner you will improve. Waiting longer just causes more pain and is more complicated to treat, as well as slower.